
February 2024

In this month’s Littlebury Energy Project (LEP) update, we talk to Gordon Ridgewell about his recent experience of having solar panels installed and also to Jonathan Ashe about the issues affecting houses in the Littlebury Conservation Area. The photographer Gordon Ridgewell moved to Littlebury about 10 years ago, his late wife Megan’s family having been associated with

January 2024

Last year, a new initiative was started to help Littlebury residents save money and reduce their energy consumption, the Littlebury Energy Project (LEP). Ian Dunham, who has lived in Littlebury for 29 years, met with Chris Dodge, the project’s coordinator, to learn more. Ian Dunham: What is the Littlebury Energy Project, and how did it arise? Chris

December 2023

The December Village Views article gave an update on the Littlebury Energy Project to date, and listed upcoming plans.

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