December 2023

Since September we have:

  • Run thermal camera training on 22nd November. This is a great way to assess energy loss from your home to target improvements most effectively. We have one camera available for loan, please contact us.
  • Held an Energy Information and Advice Day on 23rd September. More than 40 villagers discussed practical examples of energy saving measures and renewables that have already happened in Littlebury homes.
  • Helped 3 villagers identify grants available for energy efficiency improvements and introduced them to the relevant UDC officer.
  • 2 members of the group training as Domestic Energy and Retrofit Assessors. In future they can perform EPC assessments and provide guidance on possible retrofit improvements to villagers.

We are currently planning to:

  • Hold an Open Ecohomes day, including open house visits around the village, on 16th March 2024. Please save the date!
  • Collect energy usage information from villagers to assess the overall energy use of the village for future planning and develop a map of rooftop solar panel potential in the village.

Contact us at | 01799 252501

  • if you would l like to get involved, 
  • would like to borrow the thermal camera, or
  • to check if you are eligible for insulation or retrofit grants.
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