Cautionary Tales

This is a resource covering various genuine problems and also myths around renewable energy technologies, particularly following stories in the national press.

Sprayable Loft Insulation

We all know that well insulated homes are more comfortable to live in, as they usually have fewer draughts and cold spots. And better insulation means less heat escapes, so use less energy to keep them warm. Increasing the insulation of your home is an effective way of reducing your future heating bills.

There are lots of insulation products and systems on the market. Most are very good, though it’s important to choose solutions that are suitable for your home. A very few can lead to problems. For example, sprayed foam insulation applied in the loft reduces airflow, can cause timbers to rot and lenders may consider the home unmortgageable.

So please be cautious, especially of companies ‘cold calling’ to get new business. 

If you would like information and independent advice the Littlebury Energy Project will be happy to help you. 

Green Energy Cold Calls and Scams

By now many of us are getting used to regular cold calls from companies offering green energy solutions. Many of these are scams, or are from companies with relatively little experience who are seeking to exploit the boom in green energy technology. Always be very careful about engaging with cold callers and never take any decision on the basis of a cold call offer.  Always research companies that you wish to provide services and if helpful members of the LEP team can help out. 

Ofcom provides advice on dealing with nuisance calls. The Energy Savings Trust provides advice on identifying the right green energy solution for your home and on choosing installers. Details of some suppliers that have been used in the village are on our suppliers and equipment page.

Radiator Covers

A recent style article suggested covering radiators with MDF panels. This should be avoided because although they may look nice, heat will not be able to easily escape from the radiator into the room and heating efficiency will be reduced. Other materials which are better heat conductors may be a better solution if you really need a radiator cover. This blog gives more details of the various considerations.  

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