1930s Home – Retrofitted Air-Source Heat Pump

Air source heat pump retrofitted to 1930s house

The external unit is a NIBE F2040-12, a Scandinavian design so it has no problems heating with cold external temperatures.

It is 100cm high and 115cm wide and placed in front of the house on a car parking space and is generally very quiet in operation.

The installation of a larger hot water tank was required; 300 litres of hot water and a 60-litre buffer tank for the heating system. Its control system is quite advanced, allowing fine tuning and on-line monitoring, though once configured correctly it can run throughout the year without any adjustment or intervention.

Initially we thought it cost neutral to run; it uses about a third to a quarter of the input energy of the gas heating system (the rest being taken from the air) but as electricity is about 3 to 4 times the price per kWh, the overall input energy cost is similar. However, as gas prices have risen more quickly than electricity we think our total energy bills are lower than they would have otherwise been.

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